Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuk El Nuit Lake - Day Four

Day four of our 2011 Tuk El Nuit Lake camping trip started off a tad wet. We awoke to a stiff breeze and some rain but it was not enough to keep Cohen and Kyah away from the beach and the water was still warm which made it even better. Today was the sand castle competition and we chose to make a sea turtle with some babies and some eggs. Chelsey was in charge of the eggs as she has a knack for making sand balls and the kids and I built the turtles. I thought we had a good chance of winning but we lost out to a rather impressive bat mobile; I guess we will have to step up our game for next year!

Today's visitors include the Middlemiss clan and Chelsey's aunt. While I was lucky enough to go golfing at Fairview Mountain Golf Club the kids all played together and had a great time as the weather cleared up a bit. They all rented a canoe and paddled the length of the lake; I guess Chelsey is trying to stay in good Dragon Boat condition. 

I chose to golf Fairview Mountain as it is often ranked as one of the best courses in Canada. After playing it I could see why. The conditions were perfect and the course was quite difficult for a duffer like me; that being said I still had a great time.

I rushed back to help Chelsey get the kids in bed but to my surprise it was going to be a late night. Cohen was dying to jump on the turtle castle so as soon as I got home all the kids got to destroy it. Then Chelsey and her cousin built a pretty good camp fire and we endulged in some smores. It seems Chelsey was not content with just the campfire as when it came time to cook dinner Chelsey and her aunt tried to burn down the cabana; luckily they did not succeed as my golf clubs were in here. 

After that busy day the kids went to bed super good...Yay! Pictures are limited today as we forgot to put the memory card back in the camera. Enjoy what we have...

Keeping dry on the beach

Mummy sea turtle with the babies and eggs in the background

Even though we lost the kids still got a sucker and a cool certificate

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic work on the Turtle family - didn't know you guys were so artistic. Glad you are still having a great time inspite of a drizzly day.
