Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is that pee in your pants or did you belly flop in a puddle?

With today being a half day at work I thought it would be a good day to take the kids out to Chilliwack Lake for a nice walk. We got the kids ready and loaded the car seats into the truck, just in case there was snow on the road, and off we went.

After the 30 minute drive out to the lake the kids and I parked at the entrance, put on our jackets and ventured off into the wilderness. After a long 5 minute walk Kyah started yelling "PEE PEE PEE," I turned around and saw her pants getting wetter and wetter. I thought to myself there is no way your Mum didnt put a diaper on you but upon looking I saw no diaper and our walk was over. We did snap one picture though.

1 comment:

  1. Abby said...
    oh no! Kyah, Kyah, Kyah.
    will they are still learning. but you have to admit that is a bit funny. hehehe! ;-)
