Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mini Golf & Ice Cream

After Kim and Nick took the kids mini golfing last weekend in Campbell River they have wanted to go again. With the sun shining bright we thought today would be a good day to try out Giggle Ridge mini golf by Cultus Lake. With all the sheep from the city herding themselves into Cultus for the weekend the traffic was brutal down Vedder; we were able to scoot by most of it with my new sneaky short cut. Below are a few shots from the day including some of our ice cream and, of course, the token "Kyah falling asleep at the dinner table" shot. Enjoy...

The Dance Pose

Grabbing Some Shade

At least she ate most of her dinner this time
Kyah is about as crabby as her Mum when you wake  her up

1 comment:

  1. Wow! My family is sooo amazing. Thank you for a fabulous day.
