Monday, January 16, 2012

Fort Woods & Birthday Pictures

The kids had their birthday party this past Saturday and we had it at the Chilliwack Gymnastics Club. The kids go there for their Gymnastics lessons, which they love, so we thought it was a great place for their party. The club had a supervisor to make sure no one got hurt but other than that the kids were able to go nuts and have a great time which they did. Pictures below...

Also, we got our first batch of snow on Saturday and the forecast was calling for lots more snow so Cohen and I decided to build a snow fort. While I busted my balls to build the fort Cohen made snowballs with the intent of throwing them at me. We got a decent size fort built after almost two hours playing outside and I was pretty stoked to see Cohen spending that much time in the snow and having fun.

Sunday we built the fort up a bit more and then Cohen and Kyah decided to use it as their base for a snowball fight. The fort is high enough now that they can duck behind it and it is almost impossible for me to get them; little buggers.

We got another big dump of snow today and as I assumed the kids were in a mad rush to play in it when I got home from work. While the snow was too dry to pack the kids still had a good time making snow angels and helping me shovel the driveway and sidewalk. All the pictures of our fun weekend below and wait until you see the awesome job Chelsey did with the cupcakes...

Cohen and the start of our fort

On a trampoline at their birthday party

Chelsey did an awesome job with the cupcakes!

Happy Kyah

Kyah checking stuff out tonight

Snow angels!!!

Our fort under another chunk of snow with my remaining Christmas lights in the background


  1. Aww, looks like you guys are making the most of the snow! And Happy Birthday to Kyah and Cohen! We miss you guys so much xox

    1. Thanks for the comments guys. No body every comments and I am so excited to see one!
