Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cohen Being a Boy

Just a nice two minute clip of the abuse I take as a father. The last 10 seconds may not be suitable for the young ones as it contains a curse word!


  1. Wow he really listens to you. You must be the man of the house lol

  2. LOL That was the best thing I could of watched befor bed. Awsome!

  3. The noise at the end is the projectile hitting my head!

  4. Sounds just like our house. Exact same words. Sorry Mike but they are no better at 10 with eating. Abby has to be told a million times too. Unless it just runs in our family :) When you said there was going to be a curse word I thought maybe Cohen was going to say something naughty. Hope your head is ok Mike and thanks for the laugh.

  5. Abby said...

    Nothing new there, here that million times a day!
